
Why You Think the Way You Do: The Story of Western Worldviews from Rome to Home is unavailable, but you can change that!

People often talk about worldview when describing the philosophy that guides their lives. But how have we come by our worldviews, and what impact did Christianity have on those that are common to Western civilization? This authoritative, accessible survey traces the development of the worldviews that underpin the Western world. It demonstrates the decisive impact that the growth of Christianity...

with the One through contemplation of the spirit. But to the Neoplatonist, even though there was only one God at the end of the chain of being, there was nothing wrong with participating in various pagan cults and emperor worship. The different deities could easily be seen as emanations of the One, and thus as aspects of the divine that were worthy of worship. This had the side effect of avoiding conflict with the imperial authorities. In many ways, Neoplatonism was similar to Buddhism, though with
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